On the first Tuesday of each month we host a presentation which is open to non-members, associates and junior engineers. These sessions explore technical and project-based topics in a casual pub environment. Held upstairs at The Occidental Hotel, these events always run at capacity and registration is essential.
Events In Detail
Our AGM is held in Spring each year, where core business includes approval of new members, appointment of new board directors and presentation of the annual report
Our biennial ACSE Structural Engineering Awards recognise and celebrate NSW based structural engineers and their contribution to the built environment in NSW, Australia and the world.
The awards highlight excellence within the NSW structural engineering profession; promotes structural engineering to our peers and the wider community; and showcases the role of structural engineering in a diversity of projects. The awards recognise excellence in Projects, as well as individuals with the People categories.
Our presentation evening is a cocktail function where award winners are announced and receive their certificates. All projects submitted for the awards are on display.
Our social functions offer members an opportunity to put together a team of work-mates and enjoy some friendly inter-company rivalry.
Lawn Bowls
Each year we kick off with a late summer afternoon of barefoot bowls at North Sydney Greens. Drinks and nibbles are provided.
Golf Day
In the Spring, teams enjoy 18 holes at the prestigious Avondale Golf Club, following by a bbq dinner and prize presentation.
Trivia Night
To celebrate the end of the year the ACSE hosts a Christmas Trivia Night with food, drinks and seasonal cheer!